Dear Patient,
The safety and security of our patients, families, caregivers and visitors is our top priority. This includes ensuring that we maintain a COVID-19 safe environment for everyone who enters our facility. We have implemented many processes to provide the safest environment for our patients, caregivers and physicians in response to COVID-19. All of the following guidelines apply regardless of vaccination status.
Enhanced screening
- We are screening everyone for COVID-19 before entering our facility through daily temperature, signs and symptoms checks.
Masks for all visitors
- Everyone who enters our facility will be required to wear a mask. If you have a mask at home, please wear it to your visit.
Infection prevention
- Hand hygiene is always a priority for us. Hand sanitizer and handwashing stations are available throughout our facility.
- We have removed many frequently touched items such as magazines, and we have increased the cleaning frequency of any commonly touched surfaces.
Heightened disinfection
- We have increased the cleaning frequency of patient rooms, public and common areas, restrooms, waiting areas and any commonly touched surfaces.
- Strict infection control practices remain in place including cleaning and sterilizing equipment, cleaning and disinfecting patient care areas and terminal cleaning at the end of each day.
- Our disinfectants are effective in killing the virus that causes COVID-19 and other pathogens.
Personal protective equipment for colleagues
- We have an adequate supply of PPE for all of our colleagues and physicians. This helps protect you and our team from COVID-19 transmission.
Enhanced patient safety policy
- We are adhering to social distancing, and our lobby is marked, so you will know where to stand and sit. This will also be factored in throughout all phases of care during your stay.
- Visitor guidelines are determined by our center's leadership to optimize safety and focus on patient centered care. Please contact the surgery center directly for current visitor guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following safety protocols
- We are following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and appropriate state guidelines for performing COVID-19 safe surgeries.
We are committed to providing the highest level of healthcare for each of our patients and ensuring that you remain safe at all times.
Please feel free to reach out to us should you have any questions about your procedure. Thank you for entrusting us with your care. We are privileged to serve you.